As a college student I was asked what I hoped to do with my music education. Not knowing any better, I said, “I just want to write songs!” Unfortunately, the response given to me in my youthful zeal was all I needed to make my exit and pursue another path. I didn’t understand it. I had been so sure that this was something God wanted me to do. I believed He had gifted me in that way and I had made the commitment, only to find out it was impossible for someone like me to attain (at least, that’s what I came away with).
But God had another plan. He led me down a different path, away from the places and people I depended on, away from what was comfortable and familiar, far beyond the reach of all my cherished expectations about what my life should look like, and into a deep and satisfying relationship with Him. After years of questioning His timing and plan, it finally dawned on me that He had been working all along and had graciously orchestrated everything – all of the stories that would write the songs of my life.
You can read some of these stories here on my new website, You can hear my first album of original songs, now available for downloads or CD purchase. I’ll be sharing some thoughts from time to time, and I would love to hear from you, too, about how God is working in your life. I hope before long that we’ll have to add a webpage for some of the stories that are yet to be written – stories that take place because of the songs!
Let’s keep in touch and encourage one another!